
+34 934 534 418

Mèxic, 17, 6 — Barcelona




We are developers, we develop code. Mainly for use on the web, but also for standalone applications that run on the same technology as that on the web.
Programming is not the only thing we do. For a Program to run perfectly, smoothly, fast and with no errors, there are many factors that need to be controlled. We manage all of those factors, our work starts long before the first line of code is typed, and our tasks can keep running after the project is published.
A short breakdown of our services: Analysis, Technical Assessment, Development, Servers and Maintenance.


This is the most important phase of any project. If the analysis is done correctly, there will be no doubts when we start to Program. Everything will run forward, with no drawbacks, and most importantly, the final delivery will be perfect.
We need to analyze the scenario, the needs, the usability, the target and the post scenario. The more we know of the product and the project, the better we will Program it. What is it you want? How do you imagine it? Who is it intended for? The importance of questions, and the right questions for each project.
It is very strange for this phase to finish in only one session. And it is key to deliver exactly what is needed.

Technical Assessment

Each project has its different needs. From the information gathered in the analysis phase we can study and assess on the solutions and needs.
We study the different technologies available for the project, and assess on the most suited for the project. Depending on the recomendations on technologies to use, other technical needs arise, from server to external applications or third party assessment.
A highly important part of this phase is security and privacy. We take security very seriously, a web application is continuosly targeted by attackers who wish to gain access to the data or the server. We actively assess and control on different levels of security, a process which is key to the protection of privacy and data.


Yes we Program. And we do this silently, we won't bother you with technicalities, unless you really ask for them.
Our code is programmed by us. We do not work on code from others or build from an external source. The code is ad hoc to match the exact needs of the project. We don't rely heavily on external libraries, this could easily lead to a lack of understanding of the underlying code, hence making it more difficult to debug, upgrade and maintain. By controlling our code we have a solid and totally customizable base.
A good Program runs silently in the background.


The Program needs ’to run fast’. This is a common client request, but performance is not only down to us. For it to run smoothly there are many factors involved, best practices in the code is one factor, optimized assets are another, and one which is sometimes overlooked is the server.
Server is where the Program will run. If the server is limited the Program will run slowly or not at all, this can happen randomly. So is the server ready for the project? from the information gathered in the previous phases of analysis and technical assessment, we will recommend possible servers.
We also have our own servers, a server for each project. We know the code and where it will run smoothly.


We strive to be kept involved once the Program is running. All the dedication we gave in the process of programming it, can all go down the drain if it is not well looked after.
In all areas, not just programming, a good maintenance is a key factor for things to last. Leave a Program in the wild, by itself and it will be ok at first, but Program’s live in a constantly evolving surrounding. These changing surroundings can affect the stability of the Program. Remember a Program is dependent on many factors to run hassle-free, be it the server or the latest browser. Things can go wrong unnanounced for many reasons. With maintenance we look after the Program, and help out if any need arises.
And we do it with love.

Custom web development services.

We enjoy knowing from where in the world people visit us, no personal data is saved, but we understand you might not like it. For more details click here.